Occlusion for the Restorative Dentist
June 03- 04, 2006 Moscow
The University of Sheffield school of Clinical Dentistry
Predictable Aesthetics and Longevity with Bonded Porcelain Restoration: The Ultimate Program for Dentist and Dental Technicians.
Pascal Magne, Dr. med.dent.,Ph.D. Michel Magne, B.S., M.D.T.
December 14 - 17, 2012 San Francisco Bay Area, CA, U.S.A
Advanced Implant Therapy
October 24 - 27. 2012
Global institute for dental education., Los Angeles CA, U.S.A
Augmentation procedures part 1 :
Bone harvesting techniques, augmentation and soft tissue surgery
24.05 - 25.05. 2012 Olsberg, Germany
Augmentation procedures part 2 :
Bone grafting procedures and soft tissue management
September 13 - 14. 2012 Olsberd, Germany
Soft Tissue Management For the Aesthetic Zone Prosthetic Soft Tissue Development
November 27- 28 and 29 - 30, 2014
STEIGMANN INSTITUTE - Heidelberg, Germany
Bone Management Immediate loading Protocolls Live Surgery and Hands On
Implant Competence Center in Oehringer,
May 14 - 15, 2014 Germany
Practice of Occlusion and Ceramics-Metal Course
July 2014 KUWATA College Tokyo, Japan
Michal Esthetic Surgery
Prof. Giovanni Zucchelli
September 08 - 09, 2014 Bologna, Italy
Advanced Surgical Curriculum in Regenerative Implant Dentistry
November 1, 2013 - May 4, 2014 Hungary
University of Szeged, Faculty of Dentistry. URBAN IMPLANT INSTITUTE
New perspective in vertical and horizontal augmentation with GBR
International Osteology Symposium in Monaco
May 02, 2013 Monaco